Wednesday, April 22, 2009

4 Types of People

In my very modest opinion, there are 4 types of people in this world:

1. those who are NOT athletic and embrace that

2. those who are NOT the most athletic and try so very hard to be

3. those who ARE extremely gifted, athleticly speaking, and flaunt it

4. those who are usually the best at everything they do and are extremely humble about it

Now, which one of those would we all rather be? #4, of course! And how many of us know people like that? All of us do! BUT, how many of you are married to a #4? I am currently raising my hand (okay, I'm actually typing, but you know what I mean).

So, I took my one month old and my 3 year old to a 30 and over league basketball game lastnight. Why? Because my #4 husband plays in said league (no, not my 4th husband - I only have one)! Someone on the other team was DEFINTIELY a #2 and it was quite humorous to watch. The sad part of it was that I totally saw myself in that guy. YIKES! Now, I said there were 4 types of people in this world, but I, of course, fall into a 5th category where I am extremely athletic, but just not the BEST at everything and that frustrates me. Ha! Seriously, what I saw in this guy was that he could not stand the fact that HE was not in control over the game, the officials, other players, and he made that quite clear. I do exactly the same things in sports and I guess I always thought it was permissable when I was young, but to see a grown man act this way was eye-opening for me.

I really have tried, in the past, to not make such a big deal out of whatever sport I am playing, because I know it isn't THE most imporant thing in life, but it is just so hard when I am in competition mode. Anyway, I guess the spiritual application here is:

1. I'm thankful that God allowed me to see this #2 guy and give me a visual of what I don't want to be!

2. When God asks me to glorify Him in all things, that includes whatever sport I am playing, even when I'm NOT the best and may be playing with a #4!

3. Give God Control -- that may not seem so hard for some of you, but for those of us who like for things to be "right" and "fair" all of the time, it's hard. I was reminded, during this game, that I can't always be in control and I don't know everything (yes, I did just say, or type, that)! Just let God be in control of all the details of my life and maybe I won't act like an annoying #2!

Also, I just want to add that my #4 husband is AWESOME! Seriously, I was so glad that he was husband and not this #2 guy! He is extremel y humble, even though he usually is the best at everything that he does. Isn't that cool?
By the way, the pictures at the top of the post have nothing to do with these 4 types of people, they're just cute, cuz incase you didn't know - I make cute kids!!!


sowlee said...

Lank IS a number 4! That's so true. I'm a number 1.
yes!!! I'm number 1!!!

Lacy said...

1. so true- you make some cute kids

2. sowlee isn't a total number 1. she was a lacrosse star

3. jerry is a number 4 too. it drives me crazy because i am a number 5 like you. i think you slowly develop into a number five when you are in a relationship with a number 4. :) i remember there was a day i used to get win stuff.

4. lance needs to get jerry to come play sometime.