Sunday, June 28, 2009

What Am I Doing?

I asked myself this question today after our church service. What is my life about? What, in my life, is glorifying to God? What, in my life, is pointing others to Christ? What is my purpose? Because I feel like my purpose most of the time is to make my time here on earth as comfortable as possible - do I still love God in the process? sure. Do I still do things in His Name, hoping to bring others to know Him? sure. But, what is my life really all about? I get so caught up in being in this world and doing all the things that this world does - except, of course, for the really bad things that Christians shouldn't do! But, should Christians FILL their minds with God-absent entertainment that does nothing more than deaden our capacity for joy in Jesus? Should Christians create an environment of jealousy among peers in their constant quest to have stuff and look "good?" Should Christians WASTE THEIR TIME?! All of these things have been rattling around in my head this morning/afternoon and I'm not saying that I have the answer to all of it, but I feel like I'm on the brink of something BIG! Not that I have the capacity to do big things, but God does and He is waiting patiently for me to say - "I'm DONE with the things of this world - I want NOTHING more than to glorify you in all that I say, all that I do, all that I think, all that I am!" I'm ready to say that -- HOLD ME ACCOUNTABLE! So, how do I move in that direction? What steps do I need to take to make myself so different from this world and the evil in it so much so that my life begins to reflect Christ in an amazing way to those around me? Pray. Read His Word. Meditate on the things He tells me. Aren't those things you should be doing anyway? ABSOLUTELY! So, just do them, right? Quit talking about it and become the person He so desires for me to be!!! One thing He convicted me of this morning was this: I feel like I've been waiting around for an example of exactly who I want to be, you know? It was as if I had said - I want to be the person you want me to be, God, but I need you to show me what it looks like exactly - I need to see someone my age, in a similar circumstance as me, cool like me (ha), living totally and completely for you and then, I can use them as an example and that would be much easier for me! Had I ever said all of that out loud? NO, but God showed me today that that was an idea floating around in my head and that I needed to get rid of it! I walked up to the altar and prayed for Him to take such thoughts out of my head. I left them there and committed to BE the example! Stand up and be that person and quit looking for it in someone else, you know? It felt good and I'm excited!
My source of spiritual power is not going to come from movies and internet and TV and the things of this world, so why waste my time on those things? (I'm obviously on the internet now, but I'm journaling, people)! I've heard people argue that they need to be relevant in order to minister to the people around them (meaning, they need to stay current in the movie scene, the entertainment industry and what not in order to be effective)! BLAH BLAH BLAH is what I have to say to that! Being entertained by sin does not increase compassion for sinners! What good can come from ALL of the sexually explicit material that surrounds media these days? NONE GOOD is the answer! Also, do you know how deadening to your brain the triviality of television is? We need to enlarge our capacity to be moved by the immeasurable glories of Christ, but television takes us in the opposite direction, shrinking our minds ability to glorify Him!!! I absolutely do not regret the absence of television in my house - now, to talk the family into going cold turkey on the movies!!!
Seriously, I'm DONE wasting my life! Trivial, meaningless things are OUT THE WINDOW!! I'm ready to be used by God all day, everyday!! Pray for me!

1 comment:

Denise said...

so does this mean that you wont be attending the finale party?


I loved your blog!