Wednesday, June 10, 2009

daddy day care

cdock: i'm leaving for work, be back in 2 hours. ddock is getting a little fussy, so he will probably want to take a nap soon. you will need to hold him like this (demonstrated the cradle with one baby arm tucked under one adult arm) and rock him in his room and hold his pacifier in his mouth. he will probably be a little fussy at first, but then you should be able to rock him to sleep.
2 hours later
cdock: how did it go?
ldock: fine
cdock: so, you got him to go to sleep okay?
ldock: ya, but i can't do all that stuff you do
cdock: so, what did you do?
ldock: i layed him in his bed and put his pacifier in his mouth and he went to sleep



Anonymous said...

LOL! That is great! Sometimes we don't give them enough credit!! Just cause they don't do it our way, doesn't mean that it is the wrong way!

Andra said...

That's funny!

Denise said...

What's funny is when i was reading this blog I totally read it with your voice and lance's voice in my head.

I was dying laughing!

Pretty funny!!

Lacy said...


The Simdons said...

Classic!!!! That's a man for ya!