Thursday, June 4, 2009

West Texas Visit

Gramma and Dash

Balancing requires you hold your mouth just so.

Disclaimer for the following 3 pics: Dash wanted me to let you know that he does not necessarily have a favorite great aunt, but we just thought these pics were too cute to leave out.

Genius: I can already mimic facial expressions!

so silly!

good smile

Great Great Grandmother - Mamaw

Boston, Dash, and Mamaw

Grammy with all her grandchildren!

Aunt Shane

Cousin Sadie and Dash chattin' it up


Lacy said...

good golly Dash is getting so big. he's supposed to be tiny. last day tomorrow. hey i have free tickets to the children's museum (we went there on a field trip and if you haven't gone, it's totally cool. and they have a whole floor for babies- but Boston would love it way more!! the babies could look around. haha) we should go!!
i'm going to dallas this next week for a few days but i'll be around the next week. like 15th-19th. LET ME KNOW!!!!

Andra said...

Dash and I were communicating!! Cute pics!