Wednesday, November 12, 2008

How Am I Going To Deal With Two?

Boston is absolutely the cutest kid I know -- he is hilarious and incredibly smart (some might say gifted), but he drives me insane sometimes. This week, for example, he has had 4 or 5 fairly serious falls already, which require me to 1)comfort him 2) calm him down 3) assess the injury accurately 4)"fix it" 5) answer questions about it the rest of the day -- all of this takes TIME. Not that I am super busy or anything, but how am I going to do this with 2 kids? It's already exhausting with one. No, I am not an insensitive mother who despises taking care of her child's "boo-boo's" -- I'm just making a point. The driving me crazy part is the real issue -- the constant fit throwing. Anytime, he does not get his way -- he whines and throws a fit. Thankfully, he doesn't really throw fits like the one I saw today at Target -- a kid about Boston's age was on the ground while the mom was checking out biting her ankles and screaming -- no joke! (I'm knocking on wood right now). Anyway, it is becoming increasingly clear to me that my days are going to be filled with constant injury prevention/care and fit throwing. Granted, I send him to his room each time a fit is decided to be thrown, but that wears on you too. Anyway, people survive much worse, so I'm not that worried about it -- just getting a glimpse into my future and not necessarily excited about it.
How often do we drive God crazy? We want him to effectively take care of us each time we fall and, just like Boston, we want him to take care of it exactly like we think He should take care of it or else we may just throw a fit! I don't think it's a good idea to compare myself to God because I do get tired of it and annoyed by it, but I dont' think He does, necessarily. His mercies are new every morning -- Hallelujah! And I'm whining about taking care of 2 and look at the millions He so delicately cares for!! God is awesome and I am glad to be His child!


Ryan and Deminy... said...

The fact that you care enough to worry about "how," means you'll do great. So many mothers go into having two children with rose-colored glasses and then, BAM! You are more than capable. Eventually you'll look back and think - what was I worried about? I praying this over you as I type! :)

Lacy said...

YEAH... welll... good luck with that :) haha.. i've always wondered how teachers of 4 year olds spend their whole day giving all they have to other peoples kids and then go home and are supposed to be there 100% for their own kids??? YIKES!! I have a feeling that my school kiddos are going to be neglected. haha

sowlee said...

onesie, twosie
look at yousie
I ain't gonna lie to ya...
it'll be a tough run getting adjusted.
you'll make though.

The Simdons said...

Congrats Carol!! I didn't know you were expecting! You are gong to be great! However...I need to see some pics of Boston!