He proves Himself over and over, doesn't he? So, I don't know why we get so surpised when He does cool stuff, but we do! I've got 2 stories to tell today and they BOTH prove how awesome God as!
Story #1:
We were hooked up to the LiveLink for
Passion 2010 at my church, because we are planning to take some college students and high school seniors. It was awesome, of course! But, what was really cool was this: Louie told a story about how he had blogged about the upcoming link and had, like 4 comments, which was a pretty normal number for him (makes me not feel so bad) and one of the comments was from this girl, named Haley, who said she would be watching from _________ (insert African country name that I forgot). Louie proceeded to research this African country and found out who this girl really was and realized that she was in this country by herself, bringing Jesus Christ to these people who were, like 99% muslim. So, his next blog explained some of this and said that 10,000 people would be praying for her and her work in this African country (story would be MUCH cooler if I could remember the name, huh?). Come to find out, the very day of the LiveLink, Haley's mother died! And God had already prepared tens of thousands of people to pray for her!! WOW -- he knows what we need and when we need him! When your mom dies and your're in a far away African country, you need a little prayer, don't ya?! Well, God had already taken care of that! AWESOME!!!
Story #2 -
I may should have started with this one, cuz the other one is just so stinkin' cool, that I hope you also think this one is cool!? Anyway, God had placed it on my heart, back in the summer, to have a Senior Bible Study (clarification: not senior adults, but Seniors in High School -ha). I thought about it and one morning a week is what sounded the best, because they are all just so busy everyday after school, with various things. Anyway, did I trust God and obey? No, I doubted that He had asked me to do this and decided that none of them would want to wake up early in the morning (and I mean EARLY - they have to be at school at 7:17) to have Bible Study. So, I never said anything about it, just secretly thought that it would be cool. How lame am I? Anyway, last week at XP (our wed night student Bible Study), we had 20 seniors there and some of them approached me and expressed interest in doing a Bible Study outside of that one time a week, maybe some morning. I said, OK! Sounds GREAT! I had been thinking about this! So, we set it up and yesterday morning was our first morning and 14 of them came!!! God is so faithful -- His purposes WILL be accomplished, even when we fail to trust Him like we should!!
So, for those of you who just want a kid update: they're great! Dash is growing like a weed - he is defintely working on a tooth (I can feel it under the gum) and he loves to sit in his highchair and eat frozen green beans, saltine crackers, or baby teething cookies. He is crawling -- it just happens to be backwards at the moment -- he's working on it, though! AND the separation anxiety just started - I thought he was way too young for this, but it has begun! And Boston is also growing -- all of his pants are too short! I feel, with Lance being his dad, that this will be a lifelong issue! GREAT! And he is slowly learning that it is NOT okay to throw fits when he doesnt' get his way! And he loves memorizing Scripture, so that's really cool. He's already hidden away 4 verses since the end of summer! Way Cool!