I didn't really care to post unattractive hospital pics, so here is one of us leaving the hospital and one of Dash and big bro, Boston -- aren't they sweet? We are so, so thankful that my mom was able to stay with us all week - she cleaned and cooked AND (drumroll, please) - stayed in the bed in Dash's room and did ALL of the nightime feedings! She left today, which means, yes - our nights of peaceful sleep are over!!! But, it also means that Boston is gone -- she took him to her house until April 10!!! Can you believe it? This was the plan all along- although, Dash came a week early, so we didn't really expect him Boston to be gone for so long. It will be good, though, with the c-section recovery (another unexpected twist). Anyhow, we were also visited this week by my dad and step-mom (Papa and Gran) and Lance's Dad and step-mom (Jim Dad and Sherry) and no, I do not have any pictures to post -- so sorry, but we are glad they got to meet Dash. Lance's mom also came and visited while we were still in the hospital, so all of the grandparents have met their newest grandbaby!!
Now, on to the post-partum mother (it is my blog after all)! Here are the things I have been dealing with this past week:
1. worry (about myself as a mother, finances, the future, leaving Boston, etc...)
2. doubt (about myself as a mother and my ability to care for 2 kids, etc...)
3. jealousy (seeing other people in seemingly better situations, of moms who seem to have it together better than I do)
I realize that a lot of this stems from uncontrollable hormonal emotions at this point in my life, but it's still no fun to deal with and here is the Scripture I've found:
This one is kind of a stretch, but it makes sense to me: Galatians 5:16 -- "I say then: walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh." We talked about the Holy Spirit in our youth Bible Study tonight and it is confusing to know what it means exactly to walk in the Spirit. But, it means to allow Him free reign each and every moment of every day -- allow the conviction, allow the comforting, allow the discernment, allow the prompting, allow the encouragement. This is a conscious effort that I need to be making and I KNOW that the worry and doubt and jealousy will subside.
The next: Philippians 4:6-7 -- "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and all the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." This one hit me like a ton of bricks -- I need for Him to guard my heart and mind, especially in this vulnerable state and this Scripture says that He absolutely will -- I just need to go to Him, not anxiously, but with thanksgiving - just go to Him. I love how comforting His Word is!
And for the last one: John 15:5 -- "...for apart from me you can do NOTHING." So, where did all 3 of these Scriptures lead me? Straight to Him. He wants intimacy with me. He wants for me to cast my cares upon Him. He wants to give me peace that surpasses all understanding. Hallelujah! Pray for me this week that I will be reminded to simply go to Him because apart from Him, I can't be the mom I need to be, I can't have financial peace or peace about the future. Apart from Him, jealousy creeps in and takes over! It is stinkin' hard to be a mom, but I'm so glad I don't have to do it alone!
We have another baby on the way... they will be 13 months apart! I fear that I will not be able to take care of both of them and I am also jealous of other people too who seem to have it all together ( house clean all the time, laundry always done, breastfeeding until their children are at least 1, etc etc etc). I know that it is the devil getting into my mind. I am thinking of you! Dash is adorable. Where did you get that name? I love it!
I think you are a SUPER mom and you will do wonderfully!!! Even those who look like they have it all together....have their moments!!
yes yes i know you are speaking of me when you say "those who have it all together" LOL!!! REALLY LOUD!! #1 u are a super mom #2 i'm so glad you decided to let your blog be a little bit of a photo album #3 those verses were much needed today #4 baby talk/squealing is so dang cute #5 i would like to bring over dinner sometime. what time/day is best? email or text
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Wow, i really needed those verses today! It's nice to hear other moms feeling the same exact way..i have been having the same fears and doubts in myself..i guess this is all normal..but what wouldn't be normal is if we didn't have them! PRAISE GOD!
Your boys are adorable!!
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