Saturday, December 5, 2009


So, it has become evident that blogging is not one of my priorities. I only wish that were actually true -- I should rephrase that to say that keeping up with my own blog is not a priority, but I LOVE checking up on other people's blogs! I guess I just don't think I'm insightful enough to post my thougths on the world wide web, or clever enough to heighten anyone's intellect, or funny enough to be, well, funny. So, I form perfect blog posts in my mind while going about my day only to realize that they are really only as perfect as my loud singing in the car by myself with the music blaring (i.e. NOT perfect at all -ha)! Well, here's the going on's at the Dockrey house regardless:

Lance and I are both training for the Austin Marathon on Valentine's Day! How romantic, huh?! You would think this would be a fun activity for us to partake in together, but really it's not. Not that it isn't fun - it's just not something we get to do together. We have an AWESOME jogging stroller that we used practically everyday with Boston, so we got a double jogging stroller when Dash was born and it's just not as AWESOME. (I hope none of my baby shower hostesses read this because it was their gift to me). It's not a bad stroller - just not real great for running long distances, plus you have the weight of 2 children in there now. All of that to say - we don't ever really get to run together. But even if we do - Lance's pace is 8 1/2 minute miles and mine is closer to 9 1/2. It will be a fun weekend in Austin though, so I'm looking forward to that!

Lance is still working 3 part time jobs while I have 2. It totally works for us, though. We make about what an average one income household would make and we both get to be at home quite a bit during the day with our boys and do the work that God called us here to Conroe to do. He knows what He is doing!

Boston is pushing the envelope as far as obedience and fit throwing are concerned and we have really had to be purposeful in dealing with it. It's not going to just go away if we ignore it, you know. He can be really really sweet. He is incredibly smart (I'm not just saying that because I'm his mother -- I take no credit whatsoever - he knows stuff that I certainly did not teach him). He's really just lacking in the getting along with other kids and sometimes adults area. He's got a terrible temper - if something doesn't go the way he thinks it should, he is just set off into full fit mode. He'll throw things, hit people, push people, and try with all his might to see through with whatever he thought should happen. Anyway, I probably made it sound more terrible than it actually is, but I just want to be careful to take care of this sort of behavior now before it is really out of hand.

Dash is HUGE! Literally. I think he is probably pretty close to walking. He's been crawling for a couple of months and pulling to stand about that same amount of time. He's "crusing" around the furniture and standing on his own for longer and longer periods of time. I wonder if he will walk by the first of the year?

As for the title of the post: Priorities - we don't have television at home, so that has definitely helped with me not wasting time in that area (although we still watch movies, but more in the evenings, togehter, rather than a constant distraction all throughout the day). I waste WAY too much time on the computer, so I would like to strive to get out of that habit and push more important priorities to the top of the list (like housework and things of the like). I've really been trying to be missionally minded and it's something that God has laid on my heart for a long time, but I want to see us doing more tangible things as a family and not shield Boston from the social injustices in this world and teach him about our job as followers of Christ to be His hands and feet. I've really been trying to push Santa OUT of boston's mind and teach him that Christmas is Jesus' birthday and that is why we celebrate. We've been talking about what we could get Jesus for his birthday, so we've been looking into some tangible things we can do on Christmas Day to further make this point in his little 3 year old brain! He just doesn't believe me when I tell him that Santa is not real - it's a funny thing to argue with him about because I can tell how influenced he already is by the world around him. Anyway, hopefully I will do a better job of updating, but don't hold your breath!